I have received a lot of questions over the last week. I attempt to answer them in the videos below.
1. Can you trade OTC stocks with Sogotrade and how are their borrows for shorting OTC stocks?
2. Will ThinkorSwim have better borrows on shorts once they merge with Ameritrade? Answer: no.
3. Why did my stop loss on my long position in CRWG get executed before the market opened?
4. How do you set a bracket order on an already-open position at IB? Answer: No clue.
Video #2:
1. How high will PEPR go? How did I know it was going to be pumped? Answer: I didn’t.
2. Why don’t you respond to my email about a specific stock?
3. Have I ever been asked by stock promoters to join in a stock pump & dump?
4. [Question answered previously and not answered]
5. Which brokers have a scrolling high of the day (HOD) list like Scottrade?
Disclosure: No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.