In the video I answer the following questions:
1. How does one interpret the cumulative size and average price on Interactive Brokers’ Market Depth?
2. How do you find pumps and is it a good strategy?
(Note: I will not answer any more questions on this topic because besides being ethically dubious, buying pumps is the riskiest kind of trade I have done and I do not recommend it.)
Please use the contact form to send me questions that I will answer in the next Q&A video.
Disclosure: No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.
Re: your new investimonials link
don’t know what I think of investimonials yet. I love the concept,it’s killer, but the interface/look is a little meh. It doesn’t have anywhere near the visual Pop of Yelp! yet. And of course there aren’t many reviews yet, but that’s to be expected.
I gave you nice review of course, but I’m not sure it’s unbiased since I think you’ve cognitively captured me, the perils I suppose of having interacted with someone for two years I suppose. Or maybe it’s just that you are good at what you do 🙂
I find it pretty funny that my negative review of a internet e-tailer’s astroturfing site has already gotten slammed hours after posting. Those fools must be trolling the site daily.
I guess we’ll see how useful it really ends up being. If Pumpers and zealots can flood the site it will be a lost cause. Tim & co. is going to have be really careful about how reviews are displayed and weighted in order for the site to be trustworthy.
Hmm you aren’t by any chance referring to DeepCapture, are you? 😉
possibly 🙂