Q&A: OTC Level 2, scanning for volume spikes, & more!

Watch the video for my answers to these questions.

1. Where can I go to get good OTC level 2?
2. How can I scan for stocks getting volume spikes?
3. Where do you get the live news that I have seen on your trade recaps?
4. How do I scan for OTC stocks I’m looking to buy to hold overnight? I should add the caveat that this strategy has lost me money and is very risky. I don’t see why I get so many questions about one of my worst trading strategies.
5. How do I determine which stocks to trade on non-OTC stocks?

Disclosure: I an affiliate of Speedtrader although I have never received any money from them. No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

0 thoughts on “Q&A: OTC Level 2, scanning for volume spikes, & more!”

  1. I’d say you get so many questions about buying and holding OTC stocks overnight because it is ideal for small accounts…you can buy alot of shares and it doesn’t use a daytrade. Just a guess.

  2. …also I’m guessing that bigass vid that was on Tim’s old site got people curious, remember that trader who profited 1/4 mil on SPNG ?

  3. How do the promoters manipulate the share price during the day, and do they want people to find there pick with the hints they give. Sometimes the hints are easy to find and the stock gaps up big time…..And then there is PNGM that does the opposite


  4. Reaper, I think it’s the kind of strategy where you’ll have to take a lot of small losses/small gains over time in order to hit the occational home run (500% + gains). But you need to be willing to hold your winners for several days/weeks and not just sell them immediately at the open. Why waste your time trying to time these small $ trades perfectly? Better to try to catch a trend IMO. I don’t see how you can have much of an edge trading them for a few pennies or nickels gains…you’re at the mercy of these sketchy OTC BB markets. As you’ve experienced, the occational big loss will wipe out several of your small gains.

    1. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! That is the way to guarantee losses! No one knows which pumps will be successful, so holding for a few days is a good way to consistently lose money. Also, my percentage gains have not been too bad: I’ve had 33%, 20%, 19%, and 17% gainers. I’d have been okay if I hadn’t put so much money into my one 47% loss.

      1. That’s my point exactly. Even if you kept your position size the same on all of those trades, your 47% loss wiped out all of those gains when you factor in commisions. What happened today with the last one you traded, PN-somting-or-other?
        Keep us posted, though, it’s an interesting strategy and maybe it will work out.
        I myself favor low %WIN strategies…lose on 6 out of 7 trades in order to catch a trend and win big. Those numbers you just posted are showing the downside to a high %WIN strategy.

  5. Oh, and I forgot to ask you something…What software do you use for your screencapture videos and your audio? Thanks & nice job on them.

  6. A different question….I am not a member of his chat so forgive me

    Does Investorslive ever loose money? I swear, every tweet I read of his is a win. I would like to join but, I just dont know what to think of them?

  7. Type your comment here

    alex :

    That’s my point exactly. Even if you kept your position size the same on all of those trades, your 47% loss wiped out all of those gains when you factor in commisions. What happened today with the last one you traded, PN-somting-or-other?
    Keep us posted, though, it’s an interesting strategy and maybe it will work out.
    I myself favor low %WIN strategies…lose on 6 out of 7 trades in order to catch a trend and win big. Those numbers you just posted are showing the downside to a high %WIN strategy.

    This is an absolutely horrible idea.
    Pumps on average last two-three days and what’s worse often you DON’T KNOW exactly when it began.

    with pumps the longer you hold the more you lose. The lose rate on these is around 95%. There is no realistic win size big enough to offset that kind of loss rate.

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