
Since you are reading my thoughts on stocks and trading, you might want to know a bit about me. My name is Michael Goode. I have a Master’s Degree in Cognitive Psychology (with a focus on learning and memory) from Washington University in St. Louis. I left graduate school in August 2007 and following some brief entrepreneurial forays I became a full-time stock day-trader in May, 2008.

I have a few different trading strategies I use, but most of my trading can be classified as penny-stock trading and most of the penny stocks I trade are pump & dumps. I have blogged about day-trading at ReaperTrades.com since the summer of 2009 and I have blogged about investing and stock fraud since 2007 at GoodeValue.com. This blog, GoodeTrades.com, was started in December 2011. I have since stopped my other blogs and copied all those old blog posts into this new blog.

See my trades on Profit.ly. See details on my past profits in this post (including excerpts from my tax returns).

Non-Financial Writing

Butler, A.C., Marsh, E.J., Goode, M.K., & Roediger, H.L. (2006). When additional multiple-choice lures aid versus hinder later memory. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 20, 941-956.

Goode, M.K., Geraci, L., & Roediger, H.L. (2008). Superiority of variable to repeated practice in transfer on anagram solution. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 15, 662-666.

Roediger, H.L., Goode, M.K., & Zaromb, F.M. (2008). Free will and the control of action. In J. Baer, J. C. Kaufman, and R. F. Baumeister (Eds.), Are we free? Psychology and free will. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Roediger, H.L., Zaromb, F.M., & Goode, M.K. (2008). A typology of memory terms. In R. Menzel (Ed.), Learning theory and behavior. Vol. 1 of Learning and memory: A comprehensive reference, 4 vols. (pp. 11-24). Oxford, UK: Elsevier.