Watchlist for March 15th

IPCI – You know it and love it. Unfortunately, with their settlement sealed, there is no way to tell how good Friday’s news was. Potential long or short.


ZOLT – Nice big move Friday on good volume on no news. Potential long, but I am not enthusiastic.


CBEH – Nice breakout on earnings.


Disclosure: No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

0 thoughts on “Watchlist for March 15th”

  1. It means sooner or later every configuration of the “same old same old” occurs, if you watch the cycles long enough. Nothing is new, just a rehash of familiar themes in different guises.

    Sooner or later we all end up in the crapper. Survival of the fittest where one eats or outwits another seems to end up with the winner eventually being eaten or falling into a hole.

    In trading, it means we all end up at zero, even if our account seems to be going up, it eventually leads to 50% winners and losers and no money except for brokers on fees and commissions. The game is rigged against us.

    Also possible it means nothing at all, just eye candy with music. Kind of like the Beatles admitting some of the songs were deliberate attempts to throw people off track into philosophical debates over the deep spiritual meaning of their music lyrics when they were spouting nonsense.

  2. Well Big T, if you are writing a veiled commentary on death, I guess you’ve nailed the obvious. But, I started trading at 38 and I’m going to retire this year at 50. So, I just need to churn out a few more months of modest gains and I’m going to move to Subic and find a little pinay, about 20 years younger and live a good life.

    Cheers to you Reaper.

    I spent most of my life in Western Michigan

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