As you should know, I first started following Tim Sykes back in May 2008. Since that time I have bought many of his DVDs (and I heartily recommend Pennystocking Part Deux and TimFundamentals Part Deux). Below is an updated chart of my performance. As you may notice, I have become more consistent since August of 2009. Large trades with large profits, like the $7,000 I made on ECOB, continue to constitute a bulk of my total profits. While I have scalped some of Tim Sykes’ trades he alerts, I have lost money doing that in 2010. For 2010, I have made $14,291.69 on my own trades (weighted average profit of 1.46%) and $9,128.46 when following a TimAlert (weighted average profit of 1.78%). Of course, most of the time I have traded based on TimAlerts I was already watching the stock and looking to trade it anyway (such as my recent trades on ZANE).
Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I own many of Sykes’ DVDs and I am a lifetime subscriber to his TimAlerts trade alerts service and I have a subscription to his PennyStocking Silver service. I receive a commission for every DVD bought through my affiliate link to Sykes’ web store. To see more details on my relationship with Sykes, please see my terms of service, which is incorporated by reference into this post.
awesome chart. how much did you start with? Do you take money out of your account for living expenses?