Watchlist for the Kuumba, the sixth day of Kwanzaa

Kuumba means creativity … something I’m a fan of, particularly in trading.

Stocks from yesterday’s watchlist that did what I expected were CBAK and AENY. AENY had a huge gain today, while CBAK gapped down a bunch after its rumors turned out to be false. There are a couple really nice stocks for tomorrow.

PIP – I’m short-biased here. This thing was a day-trader’s dream today, up 120% at one point on no news.  While it faded hugely, it still has more downside.


ICXT – This is an airport security play that has been hot due to the Detroit underwear bomber incident. I will look to short aggressively on fading price action or a huge vertical spike. I expect a huge spike in the morning considering that this hit $10 towards the close of after-hours trading.


IDN – Similar chart and similar story as ICXT. Much lower volume, though.


RAE – Nice move, maybe more will come?


Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

0 thoughts on “Watchlist for the Kuumba, the sixth day of Kwanzaa”

  1. Just a minor correction, PIP wasn’t on no news. However, yes it was a great short, I shorted it 3 times with success when it was fading from 3 to 2.60.

  2. Good morning.

    I am out of town for a client and trading out of hotel room and/or McDonalds today….always interesting!

    Reaper, any thoughts on playing ICXT or IDN long right out of the open?

    Was thinking of going in strong with a tight stop in case no pop and a aggressive sell off plan to catch any gains.

    Only other play I am still in is ATHX – still short 500 shares from 5.50 and a small position in HAIN form 17.01 – swing play with a target of 2 points and a stop set @ 16.98.

    Watching F closely as well today…went to a 100% cash position on it yesterday @ 9.98 30 seconds before close so as to have full access to funds for day trading today.

    Good luck to everybody on the last trading day of the year!


  3. Ouch….I have GOT to learn to play those momo trades better. Gave back all my early gains on ICXT.

    got to get on the road home…GL to everyone today and have a good and safe NYE.


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