I had a quiet day today. I was busy with some things other than trading and the main stocks I was watching, ICXT and IDN, were not kind enough to give me easy entries. No video recap today.
Daily profit: $260.92
Weekly profit: $327.23
BOT 500 ICXT false Stock 9.80 USD ISLAND 09:31:37 2.50
SLD 500 ICXT false Stock 9.90 USD ISLAND 09:33:30 2.50
+ SLD 4,914 EONC false Stock 6.013 USD ISLAND 12:52:59 24.57
+ BOT 4,914 EONC false Stock 5.959 USD ISLAND 12:55:46 24.57
Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.
wish I could find borrows for JBii, been lookin for nearly a week.
hope you have a greta new year reaper!