One good trade today and one small botched trade … I am happy with today.
+ SLD 1,000 AHD false Stock 6.990 USD ARCA 09:31:21 5.00
BOT 300 AHD false Stock 6.6498 USD SMART 09:37:57 1.50
+ BOT 700 AHD false Stock 6.419 USD DRCTEDGE 09:38:38 3.50
Daily profit: $493.56
Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.
Nice trade, reaper. I like the way you scale out of your position.
Hey Reaper- just started seeing your name popping up lately…..first time to your site so am a bit unclear what your approach is re: telegraphing or mention what you are looking at in AM prior to open? Or do you just post your trades after the close?
I post a watchlist almost every evening, with varying amounts of detail about how I would trade a stock I’m watching. If I’m not lazy I will post interesting pre-market gainers in the comments.
No watchlist tonight.
CGEN short on red, volume was massive today and I do not believe it will hold up tomorrow.
PSDV not as much volume but same play, short on red but if it gaps down it would be hard to play.
CHTL, John played this nice today going long but it’s OTC so it could drop fast when it starts, it has a nice b/o chart and could be played long on green. I will not.
These are very speculative plays;
LTXC will be nice if it breaks 1.80 with volume.
SBSA on .90 break with volume could be good.
TRS beautiful b/o on crappy volume, unless the volume picks up it will be useless.
I’m thinking of getting out of CHTL in at 1.15 this morning..
ATHX – i’m still short at 6.06… not sure as to hold this short until later this afternoon where there may be an afternoon fade
SNSS – Swing trade, long at 1.33
EROC – possible breakout
JDSU – possible breakout
FSII – broke out already and cleared $2 which was strong resistance looking back a few years .
MESA – possible breakout
CRIS – broke out, but moves extremely slow
CHTL – I don’t see how you held this long….I can’t even buy OTC stocks yet, to scared.
EROC and JDSU nice, EROC just missed my scan I guess. Two heads are always better than one.
NCTY pre-market leader.
QCOR nice pre-market b/o on 3 month chart, longer term has resistance.
Got a short watchlist up:
I like your site-uncluttered….got in CGEN short-thanks to your heads up-scaled out of 1/2 position and held some for Monday open- we’ll see…..
Still like AHD on the short side or would you wait for a sell limit at 6.73?
I see you like TS’s Pennystocking PT Deux…what’s you next favorite if I wanted to buy 2? Am thinking of the Shortstocking DVD….
I like TimFundamentals Part Deux … expect a long review of it later this week. I think with those two DVD sets you get 95% of Tim’s strategy.