Watchlist for the day before Christmas Eve

AHD – A double on no news but an upgrade? Short on red. I have fond memories of the last NYSE MLP I shorted, USS (from back in July 2008).


ATHX – Whoa, Momma! Unsupportable move, but hey, I’m long-biased now. This thing was a no-brainer buy on the break of the high today. I’d consider buying it on green tomorrow. ATHX is the new NLST! Could also be a good short on red.


CIIC – Yeah, baby! A 90% move on no news? I’m eager to short this crappy China stock. I’d consider longing it on green, too, but my bet is it falls 20% tomorrow.


NVLT – Nice move, less interesting to me than the stocks above, especially considering it is an OTC BB stock.


Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

0 thoughts on “Watchlist for the day before Christmas Eve”

  1. Awesome watchlist, I may get a chance to play tomorrow….maybe.
    There have been some great moves that we have both missed, but as you always say you do not have to trade everyday….ha, but it does suck sometimes.

  2. SUPR could be a nice short if it fails to break 4, lots of resistance there, and no news for the move today. Volume is very low.
    ADES on green with volume could be nice, or short on red possibly.
    MTG closed strong with good volume but has resistance at 7ish, would short if it fails to break.
    LCC is very close to breaking out on 6 month chart on great volume, small ADR.

  3. Iā€™m long-biased now

    Whoah , that’s a 180. You basing this off market direction/momentum or is this philosophy/lifestyle change?

    well belated welcome to the light side of the force anyway Jedi.

    1. No, I have not joined the light side. I just am trying to get myself to be able to play things both long and short. It is about as difficult as becoming bisexual is … it just feels unnatural to buy things. But for NLST that was where the easy money was and for ATHX yesterday.

  4. Reaper I hear you loud and clear trying to erase the short only bias. Since I started TimAlerts I’ve had trouble going long on anything but long term, non day trading issues.

  5. Good morning,

    I agree…once you get used to going short it can be a mental shift back to long. I have been swing trading my account lately to build it back up from a couple of rather “questionable” trades a while back.

    I have shares of AHD reserved at TOS today just in case…

    have a great day trading!
    Already long LVS, SLV and C for today and Short AES.

  6. Wow SMOD really took off this morning, squeezing those early shorts at 5 dollars. they should really read tim’s strategy.

  7. Well today one of the best watchlist if ever seen AHD and CIIC are definetly paying for the cristhmas presents.ATHX…i dont know, too much volume for a small fish like me.

    Thank your Reaper

  8. Yeah just noticed that, I was kinda excited that my pick went the right way and I missed looking at the volume.
    I messed up not flipping CGEN too.

  9. CHTL was a nice play John.

    CENX is a slow mover and small ADR but it is breaking out.

    I didn’t have the balls to buy CGEN when it held support at 4.80ish, that was a clear play too, or am I wrong in my thinking there…..

  10. Good call this morning on AHD — too bad I had shares but missed it due to a phone call…did not want to get caught chasing it.

    Currently “all in” on F – it broke the 10.00 point so anything can happen now. I will not have a lot of time to trade till next year so am doing more of these larger plays with presetup stop for both profit and loss.

    So far it has worked well — up 3k in the past 3 weeks. Only 5k to go to even.


  11. Great call on your watchlist Michael, not a bad day all around.

    Oh yeah, what’s up with the soup?
    Did I miss something important in my slight absence.

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