Boring day, nothing to see here, so move along.
Daily profit: $32.50
SLD 200 LLFH false Stock 6.2300 USD SMART 09:33:37 1.00
BOT 200 LLFH false Stock 6.1000 USD ARCAEDGE 09:40:29 1.00
SLD 500 LLFH false Stock 5.9000 USD ARCAEDGE 10:04:24 2.50
SLD 100 LLFH false Stock 5.9000 USD ARCAEDGE 10:06:12 1.00
+ BOT 600 LLFH false Stock 5.875 USD ARCAEDGE 10:09:18 3.00
Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.
what do you think of a swingtrade strategy with lower positions.. and try some killings instead of daytrading?
I think that is not my strategy. Others do fine doing it. Try
You can have unbundled commissions or bundled. I choose bundled. With unbundled you pay less and get the ECN rebate or fee.