Watchlist for December 9th

RMIX – Another strong up day, could have another one, but odds are not as good now. I probably won’t play it because I know I’m not great at playing cheap stocks.


VVTV – Nice breakout yesterday and follow-through today. No easy play tomorrow.


RWC – Contract win today, but the total value is spread out over many years and many companies. It couldn’t do anything today after gapping up so I’ll look for further weakness tomorrow.


NLST – We’ve seen this kind of move before. If this goes green tomorrow or gaps up slightly I will be a buyer.


PIP – This is what happens to 90%+ of biotech stocks. It could bounce a bit considering its huge plunge. I won’t play it.


LZB – Nice breakout over $10, but it has been choppy and slow. I’m not going to try buying this again.


IFNY – Horrid little pinkie with no current financial information, up a bunch on a supposed oil find. That being said, the chart is bullish. I never recommend buying pink sheets or OTC stocks, but I especially advise inexperienced traders to avoid them.


HOKU – Crazy chart, but nice volume gain today. Maybe more tomorrow? I would consider buying on green, but it is right at resistance.


Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

0 thoughts on “Watchlist for December 9th”

  1. Ok, one more and I’m off to bed.

    CLWT has a possible b/o chart, it has some consolidation and the volume was decent today.

  2. hungh looks like you made pennystockchaser mad. Good thing you got that lawyer on retainer … [hyperlink redacted by admin to avoid bumping that PR up in the search rankings]

    Hope you kick those losers in the behind.

    1. Don’t worry Tasty … I am sure my top-notch legal team will do their jobs. I’m sure they wouldn’t want me to discuss pending legal actions, but as of yet I am not aware of any legal actions by PSC.

  3. #11) Are you screening for stocks with 10% gains? I usually lower it to 5-6% early on and jack up volume. Might have more to look at, but I can often catch the move earlier.

  4. sounds like an optimistic contract… Legit shit. But its all Potential revenue growth, but a contract is a contract… And this contract is worth $750 million between them and how many other companies?

  5. RWC is fucking pissing me off… its not even friggin moving……!!!!
    DOW should have one more down day before rebounding.

    NLST is moving… approaching $6

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