Nothing too exciting today.
Daily profit: $304.60
+ BOT 300 RWC false Stock 4.490 USD ARCA 10:02:04 1.50
SLD 300 RWC false Stock 4.41 USD AMEX 10:03:33 1.50
BOT 300 RWC false Stock 4.50 USD DRCTEDGE 10:08:11 1.50
SLD 300 RWC false Stock 4.33 USD DRCTEDGE 10:10:51 1.50
+ BOT 500 LZB false Stock 10.060 USD SMART 14:59:04 2.50
+ BOT 3,096 LZB false Stock 10.085 USD DRCTEDGE 15:06:29 15.48
+ SLD 3,596 LZB false Stock 10.198 USD SMART 15:07:09 17.98
Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.
It always amaze me how fast you can react in order to profit from these scalps! Nice.
Keep in mind that I was already in the stock and watching it tick-by-tick.
Reaper has shortcut in IB. (And even better he pre-entered the trade for LZB).
Reaper, we should make a DVD together on how to trade TimAlerts fast. We can charge 1000 and I believe people will still buy it.