I have a new DVD! You have only two days to purchase my DVD on reading SEC filings if you wish to receive free access to the follow-up webinar. It is only $397 (you save $100 off its normal price by pre-ordering it).
I missed a nice buy of YRCW on green today for a bounce and I also missed the breakout of ENMD at $1.00 per share. Oh well.
Daily profit: $1497.04
Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.
On QXM, I was only 3 seconds slower and your 10K order just lowered the price to 4.86.
lol. Good thing the texts were slower than email today … Sprint dropped all my text messages this morning.
Ha, I like how you can’t stop yourself from laughing about the Timscalp, you are an evil evil man!! 🙂
Nice work though, wish I could ever manage to scalp them properly!!