The pump of the day: APTD

It is cheaper than I care for, but APTD should be interesting tomorrow. With over a million dollars worth of pumping going for it (and several pumpers riding the coattails, promoting it without being compensated), APTD should move. I of course never recommend buying pumps (I do that occasionally but it is very risky) and unfortunately APTD is too cheap to short. One can only hope they get it up enough at least for it to be worth my time to short.


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Please be advised that has been paid $565,000.00 by White Frog Investments. Ltd to perform promotional and advertising services for a one week profile of, which services include the issuance of this release and the other opinions that we release concerning APTD.


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2 thoughts on “The pump of the day: APTD”

  1. Hi Michael!

    I need and advice and I hope you can help me.
    I’m from Chile (South America) and I have only $1000 USD to start trading in Zecco (Zecco sucks but has no minimum deposit), I know it’s a small account but in my country represents almost 6 times the minimum wage.
    What would be your strategy in this?

    Your blog has been really helpfull and thanks for sharing your experiences.


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