Daily profit: $608.23
SLD 5,000 BGBR false Stock 0.3998 USD SMART 09:35:34 10.00 null
SLD 5,000 BGBR false Stock 0.3700 USD SMART 09:42:17 9.25 null
BOT 5,000 BGBR false Stock 0.3301 USD SMART 09:43:23 8.25 null
+ BOT 2,500 BGBR false Stock .311 USD SMART 11:48:21 3.89 null
BOT 2,500 BGBR false Stock 0.3110 USD ARCAEDGE 11:46:58 3.89 null
Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.