SLD 2,750 BGBR false Stock 0.3990 USD SMART 09:50:55 5.49 null
BOT 2,750 BGBR false Stock 0.3500 USD SMART 09:53:11 4.81 null
SLD 3,000 BGBR false Stock 0.4200 USD SMART 11:22:35 6.30 null
SLD 2,000 BGBR false Stock 0.4200 USD SMART 11:23:12 4.20 null
BOT 5,000 BGBR false Stock 0.3601 USD SMART 15:13:54 9.00 null
09:32:45 CAEH S 0.2199 10000 NITE
09:30:29 CAEH B 0.2 1000 UBSS
09:30:29 CAEH B 0.2 9000 UBSS
Daily profit: $589.45
Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.
Explanation of my recent lack of trading activity.
Ha somewhat ironic that I make fun of buying BP in my rant, and the pickings are so slim even Sykes threw it into his watch list today!