Daily profit: $105.94
Disclosure: Short 2,000 ANTS and 5,000 HAUP. No positions in any other stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.
Hi Reaper,
Enjoy your daily posts. I just went silver with Tim Sykes and have been in the chat room a couple of times. Have been trading off and on for 5 years but have just started to get really serious about it. There’s alot to learn. You and Tim do a real nice job of helping folks out. Thanks for all you do.
Chris Quinn
Glad to help!
i’m hearing there have been shares of IFLG and HAUP at SpeedTrader. Just wondering if you can confirm this, and if you like SpeedTrader over TOS for shares avail.
TOS is nice but shares to short with a broker that allows after hours trading is nicer.
Yes … but share availability is generally the same. See http://www.reapertrades.com/2010/05/my-thoughts-on-various-brokers/ for details
Im sorry Michael. I just found the post on your reviews of all the brokers that you did yesterday. Thats just me being dumb lately.