Trade recap for May 12th

Mentions of AEHI in chat:
[May 12, 2010 12:00:56 PM EDT]     JC      AEHI hod
[May 12, 2010 12:17:32 PM EDT]     JC    AEHI seems pumped hmm
[May 12, 2010 12:22:32 PM EDT]     JC    frigging… AEHI new hod
[May 12, 2010 12:24:59 PM EDT]     SteveS    AEHI how high will that go?!
[May 12, 2010 12:28:03 PM EDT]     Reaper    AEHI omg
[May 12, 2010 12:28:09 PM EDT]     JC    wtf…AEHI..
[May 12, 2010 12:30:28 PM EDT]     Reaper    shorting a bunch of AEHI … very risky
[May 12, 2010 12:30:46 PM EDT]     Reaper    short 3100 AEHI @ .97055

IFLG a nice short (in SogoElite, not shown below):
[May 12, 2010 2:57:57 PM EDT]     Reaper    shorted 1k IFLG @ 5.35 @ sogoelite … very tight 10 cent stop
[May 12, 2010 2:58:50 PM EDT]     Reaper    I like the big offers on IFLG @ 5.37 and 5.40
[May 12, 2010 3:05:59 PM EDT]     Reaper    covered 500 of my IFLG @ 5 still short 500
[May 12, 2010 3:09:42 PM EDT]     Reaper    out IFLG @ 5

My trades today (except those at SogoElite):
BOT    1,000    AMEL    false    Stock    1.3100    USD    SMART    10:26:48        5.00
BOT    1,000    AMEL    false    Stock    1.3100    USD    ARCAEDGE    10:27:22        5.00
SLD    2,000    AEHI    false    Stock    0.9300    USD    SMART    12:27:34        9.30
SLD    100    AEHI    false    Stock    1.3400    USD    SMART    12:28:53        1.00
+    SLD    1,000    AEHI    false    Stock    1.030    USD    SMART    12:30:22        5.00
BOT    1,500    AEHI    false    Stock    0.6000    USD    SMART    12:45:10        4.50
BOT    1,600    AEHI    false    Stock    0.6500    USD    SMART    12:58:53        5.20
+    BOT    5,000    DIVX    false    Stock    7.235    USD    SMART    15:48:17        25.00
+    SLD    2,500    DIVX    false    Stock    7.300    USD    ARCA    15:48:52        12.50
+    SLD    2,500    DIVX    false    Stock    7.400    USD    ISLAND    15:49:12        12.50
+    SLD    500    DIVX    false    Stock    7.510    USD    SMART    15:50:58        2.50
+    BOT    500    DIVX    false    Stock    7.550    USD    SMART    15:54:12        2.50

09:53:31    PRWP    B    0.8    1630    NITE
10:22:18    PRWP    S    0.83    1185    NITE
10:19:11    PRWP    S    0.83    445    NITE

Daily profit: $2,193.60

AEHI Intraday chart

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

7 thoughts on “Trade recap for May 12th”

  1. Do you know of anyone (or any group) that specializes in trading 5-letter stocks? Things like APCVZ, REEDR, WAMUQ, etc. Sometimes these things make huge intraday moves, and I have no idea what they even are, let alone how to interpret their moves. One time I bought APCVZ only to realize after an hour of research that it was a “debenture,” prompting a sale and an oath to never trade anything with five letters until I at least understand how to pronounce its name :-). Do you know any resources or people that do well in this tiny niche of trading?

    Some examples of 5-letter stock endings meanings:
    D: A new issue of an existing stock. (Often the result of a reverse split.)
    E: Delinquent in required filings with the SEC as determined by the NASD
    Q: In bankruptcy proceedings
    R: Rights
    S: Beneficial interest
    Y: ADR (American Depositary Receipt)
    Z: Miscellaneous situations

  2. if you have a filter ,scan or simply know a stock is a pump and dump, you know the stock will go down, what will tip a trader off that the stock will go down? what do you look for on an intraday chart?

    1. For true pump & dumps the volume and an understanding of who the pumpers are and how they work are more important than any technical analysis.

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