Watchlist for February 9th: Pump JYHW making a move

I don’t think I’ll trade much tomorrow … I had plenty of excitement today! The market as a whole is weak and that has reduced the number of big runners that I like to play.

JYHW – Re-pump, this time with snail-mail newsletters (or so I’ve heard). Potential long, then a potential short.


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0 thoughts on “Watchlist for February 9th: Pump JYHW making a move”

  1. I think JYHW gets pumped as soon as they can get away with it again. In this case, it took only 2 weeks from the last dump to repump it 🙂

    Like NXTH, I think most playeers in the stock now knows that it’s a pump and are just playing the momo game. I want to see it drop off a cliff just because I don’t like seeing the CEO banking off this pump like he did the one two weeks ago…

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