I don’t think I’ll trade much tomorrow … I had plenty of excitement today! The market as a whole is weak and that has reduced the number of big runners that I like to play.
JYHW – Re-pump, this time with snail-mail newsletters (or so I’ve heard). Potential long, then a potential short.
Disclosure: No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.
hah old Jayhawk is still around eh?
What does it get pumped only in even years?
check that theory, upon consulting my records it was a 2007 pump
I think JYHW gets pumped as soon as they can get away with it again. In this case, it took only 2 weeks from the last dump to repump it 🙂
Like NXTH, I think most playeers in the stock now knows that it’s a pump and are just playing the momo game. I want to see it drop off a cliff just because I don’t like seeing the CEO banking off this pump like he did the one two weeks ago…