Watchlist for January 28th

CNLG – Huge 80% move on fluffy press release, but this is only a $7m company. It could go either way.


ROL – Nice chart. Could be a nice long on green or the $20.00 break.


AENY – Pump & dump on perpetual short watch. This has been on the Reg SHO list for the last week though, so getting a borrow to short it is nearly impossible.


Disclosure: No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

0 thoughts on “Watchlist for January 28th”

  1. On AENY, I had shorted shares at both IB and TOS. IB forced a buy-in last week and TOS forced one today. Totally sucks since AENY is a total sham and that even some of us shorts are losing money on buy-ins, but that’s the game I suppose.

    1. By fluffy I mean not ‘hard’ news. So announcing a new product is usually fluffy news, but earnings is ‘hard’ news. It is just a judgment call and I am not always right.

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