Nothing at all today except for a late-day short I’m holding overnight.
Daily profit: ($24.00)
+ BOT 100 AAPL false Stock 207.130 USD ISLAND 15:26:56 1.00
SLD 100 AAPL false Stock 206.91 USD SMART 15:27:04 1.00
+ SLD 10,000 PEIX false Stock 2.010 USD DRCTEDGE 15:33:18 50.00
Disclosure: Short 10,000 PEIX. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.
Pfffttt… AAPL, whats the tagline on this blog again?!?!?
If I were not in a meeting, I probably have shorted AAPL as well. Sell on news 🙂
Be patient and wait to fade the crowd on AAPL. $195ish might be a good entry. I think the tablet will be huge for them. They were smart in making it cheap (some were speculating it might cost $1000). They’ll sell tons of those things. I’m excited to get one.