I messed up a few trades today and still made a halfway respectable amount of money. I’m not happy but I don’t mind too much.
Trades at IB:
+ BOT 800 AHD false Stock 6.810 USD DRCTEDGE 10:25:29 4.00
+ SLD 400 AHD false Stock 6.910 USD SMART 10:50:57 2.00
+ SLD 400 AHD false Stock 7.080 USD SMART 11:04:15 2.00
+ BOT 400 AHD false Stock 7.110 USD DRCTEDGE 11:05:10 2.00
+ SLD 400 AHD false Stock 7.100 USD ARCA 11:06:56 2.00
Daily profit: $581.50
Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.
talking about to ICXT… “i failed to short it today. Tim failed to short it today. everyone in my chatroom failed to short it today. and thats a real shame because we were all playing IDN which sucked in comparison.” I’m ashamed of myself for not even being apart of IDN!!! let alone ICXT.