Watchlist for Nia, the fifth day of Kwanzaa

“Nia (Purpose): To make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness.” – from Wikipedia

CBAK – I am looking to short this on red. It was up 60% today on rumors that its batteries will power the new Google smartphone.


SPNC – Up big on news that it will pay $5m to end a federal probe. I like this for more strength and I might buy on red/green.


AENY – OTC BB stock, but that sure is a bullish chart.


IVAN – Similar chart to AENY.


PSUN – A similar chart, $4.00 would be an important point of resistance.


Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

0 thoughts on “Watchlist for Nia, the fifth day of Kwanzaa”

  1. Thanks for the the link to the SFO article. it explains a lot of what I’ve been noticing over the last two years

    anyway I know you hate OTC stocks, but JBII.ob has just been on a tear lately.
    and the company looks bogus to me. It does have some volume (170k shares yesterday~ 1.1 million dollars worth)

  2. Hi,

    from the top of the charts of stockcharts:



    NASDAQ BB I know is OTC BB

    What is the meaning?

    Thank you!

  3. Thanks Reaper for finding AENY… took a position in it and doubled up at 3.24. ATHX and AHD took off without me. PSUN failed to break, considered playint a double top… but AENY just suits me better. Thanks to you for finding it

  4. Investors live sold his AENY.. and im glad cause that ramp was getting too steep… still holding though to see if it breaks HOD… might sell soon

  5. Sorry for offtopic, but to those who trade thru IB: I don’t get how that Interest&Financing thing works, is it just for forex? when would I have to pay interest? Thanks

  6. wow… so i sold 100 shares of AENY at 9.68… thought i was selling all 1,000 shares at that price… i’m still long 900 and was taking a shower while the stock was bouncing from 3.70 to 3.50 … TOS just offered to do a courtesy trade, so that i could be long 1000 again and then sell all 1000

    i said no though .. and am still long.. figured
    1. i’m up already
    2. its the first big up day on a breakout
    3. its consildating at 3.70 which is right around the HOD

    PSUN btw also broke out

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