A nicely profitable day, but nothing too exciting. I had a great 14% profit shorting IFNY but I only got 1,500 shares of it before IB ran out.
IFNY 3-day, 15-minute candlestick chart
+ SLD 500 IFNY false Stock 1.676 USD SMART 09:39:22 2.50
SLD 1,000 IFNY false Stock 1.65 USD SMART 09:39:48 5.00
BOT 500 IFNY false Stock 1.47 USD SMART 11:06:26 2.50
BOT 300 IFNY false Stock 1.37 USD SMART 11:07:16 1.50
BOT 300 IFNY false Stock 1.39 USD SMART 11:08:25 1.50
BOT 400 IFNY false Stock 1.39 USD SMART 11:12:16 2.00
SLD 200 STE false Stock 28.90 USD ISLAND 11:47:27 1.00
+ BOT 200 STE false Stock 28.870 USD DRCTEDGE 11:48:42 1.00
+ SLD 3,000 BIOF false Stock 2.850 USD DRCTEDGE 14:56:14 15.00
+ BOT 3,000 BIOF false Stock 2.800 USD SMART 14:56:59 15.00
Daily profit: $450.75
Weekly profit: ($0.45)
Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.
An error occured please try again later.
Does that mean you were too lazy to make a video recap?
Sorry, it was just not processed by Youtube yet. Give it 8 minutes.
Reaper, You tiptoed into STE going short today. Just curious why you didn’t trade the dead cat bounce going long from 10:32 to 11:42. That would’ve yielded you a nice 14.6% gain. I missed it too (disclosure).
Have you ever been to Branson, MO? Anything fun to do there?
I didn’t trade it because I missed it while concentrating on other things.