Horrid day; I made a bunch of bad trades. At least I made money.
+ BOT 1,000 EONC false Stock (SCM) 2.720 USD ISLAND 09:31:32 5.00
+ BOT 1,000 EONC false Stock (SCM) 2.800 USD ISLAND 09:31:47 5.00
+ BOT 500 TTI false Stock 11.390 USD SMART 09:52:00 2.50
+ SLD 500 TTI false Stock 11.286 USD SMART 10:00:08 2.50
BOT 100 PCLN false Stock (NMS) 203.95 USD ISLAND 10:28:27 1.00
SLD 100 PCLN false Stock (NMS) 204.19 USD ISLAND 10:29:57 1.00
+ BOT 200 MTXX false Stock (NMS) 4.580 USD SMART 10:39:06 1.00
SLD 200 MTXX false Stock (NMS) 4.31 USD SMART 10:39:30 1.00
BOT 50,000 HRRN false Stock 0.0095 USD SMART 12:19:41 2.38
BOT 1,000 CNBR false Stock (OTCBB) 2.6000 USD SMART 14:29:49 5.00
SLD 1,000 CNBR false Stock (OTCBB) 2.3700 USD SMART 14:38:46 5.00
+ SLD 50,000 HRRN false Stock .008 USD SMART 14:39:08 2.21
+ SLD 2,040 EONC false Stock (SCM) 2.740 USD SMART 15:28:39 10.20
+ SLD 1,600 EONC false Stock (SCM) 2.674 USD SMART 15:28:41 8.00
+ BOT 3,640 EONC false Stock (SCM) 2.600 USD ISLAND 15:31:27 18.20
Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.
Damn. You beat me again by 3-4 seconds.
SLD 5,000 EONC Stock (SCM) 2.667 USD SMART 12:28:41 25.00
SLD 5,000 EONC Stock (SCM) 2.648 USD SMART 12:28:44 25.00
BOT 10,000 EONC Stock (SCM) 2.570 USD ISLAND 12:32:13 50.00
But you made more money! So you win … this time.
In order to help promote your kickass forthcoming DVD, are you interested in taking requests?
I shorted IO into the afternoon fade, especially after reading their latest 10Q.
If you have time would you be interested in perusing it and offering some brief comments?
I may have nightmares tonight after reading the torrid tales in there, but not sure if I’m interpreting it properly.
Not this week. Or next week I think. I really need to finish up my part of the DVD. I’ve been slacking.
NP, thought it was worth a shot, and was curious your perspective.