Attention penny stock bloggers! Please email me or leave a comment with your blog URLs. I will be doing a post on beginning traders who blog.
For your enjoyment, here is “Stick to your trading rules remix“, by Gohn (a remix of my auto-tuned trade recap on October 19th). For future reference, this is a very important post mostly because of this remix.
Boring day today … I missed Speedus Corporation (Nasdaq:SPDE); if I had seen it two minutes earlier I would’ve banked. I did not want to force trades today considering my jet-lagged condition.
I apologize for the poor audio … I hooked up my webcam and it accidentally recorded through that rather than my good mic. The video audio is louder than normal because of that. Also, note that when talking about JUNP in the video I confuse it with JNPR, which is doing fine. Of course, as a true penny stock, JUNP has no fundamentals whatsoever and understanding its business is completely irrelevant to trading it successfully (thanks to Steven who pointed out my confusion of the two companies).
BOT 1,200 BQI false Stock 1.3500 USD NSX 09:47:31 6.00
+ SLD 1,200 BQI false Stock 1.366 USD DRCTEDGE 09:51:47 6.00
BOT 10,000 JUNP false Stock (OTCBB) 0.0430 USD SMART 14:42:47 2.15
SLD 10,000 JUNP false Stock (OTCBB) 0.0431 USD SMART 15:02:45 2.16
+ SLD 1,000 USEG false Stock (SCM) 6.109 USD DRCTEDGE 15:37:37 5.00
+ SLD 1,000 USEG false Stock (SCM) 6.100 USD ISLAND 15:37:43 5.00
+ BOT 400 USEG false Stock (SCM) 5.970 USD ISLAND 15:41:00 2.00
+ BOT 800 USEG false Stock (SCM) 6.000 USD ARCA 15:41:35 4.00
+ BOT 800 USEG false Stock (SCM) 6.020 USD SMART 15:42:57 4.00
Daily profit: $189.23
Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy.
We want to hear the elephant!
I’m really only posting my papertrades for now, but I would like to expand to all areas of finance. Mostly to help me keep track of things.
Ah didn’t get the stupid elephant. It is up to sobegemini2 or someone else with the “I am T-Pain” app to visit another Rainforest Cafe.
I had a chance to jump in SPDE at 5 but was too nervous to get in…I don’t trade those intraday spikers on news very well
I normally don’t either, but SPDE goes $1+ every single time. Of course, I analyzed it in hindsight …. so take it with a grain of salt.
Nice pics.
Cisco’s competitor is JNPR. It is still going strong. In fact stronger than ever.
Thanks for pointing that out, Steven.
Obviously you know about my lame blog but you asked for submittals so I’ll post it again.
And I now have the remix of “Stick to your trading rules” playing on a nonstop loop!! If that doesn’t go viral, there is truly no justice in the world!!