Goodbye SeekingAlpha

Today I asked SeekingAlpha to remove me as a contributor and to take down all my articles that they currently syndicate on their website. I am tired of getting flack from dumb people who believe it is wrong to criticize a company. I do not make any money from blogging (my advertisements don’t even cover my hosting costs), so I would rather be read by just a few people who appreciate my opinion than by a large bunch of morons who hate to see their companies criticized.

I am not a professional analyst who is trying to give a balanced view of a company he covers. I am a cynic who tries to point out the negatives in stocks where everyone only sees the positives.

0 thoughts on “Goodbye SeekingAlpha”

  1. I think you should reconsider. Your blog provides a great service, but I never would have found it without Seeking Alpha. I just think you need to block out the criticism.

  2. I quite enjoy your blog 🙂 Don’t take the whiners personally. You are far more often right than they are, that is a given. It is hard going against the grain but worth it. The world is not all puppies and sunshine and somebody has to say it.
    -a penny scam message board critic

  3. What a shame. I found your blog via SeekingAlpha and love your analysis. Keep the posts coming.

  4. Just to be clear on a couple things:

    1. I will continue blogging here, no matter what.
    2. I have also received many positive or constructively critical comments on SA, particularly in response to my housing bust articles.

  5. Michael,

    I have posted a reply to your bear case comments on Photo channel in seeking alpha. Do reply if and when you get some time.


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