Today I asked SeekingAlpha to remove me as a contributor and to take down all my articles that they currently syndicate on their website. I am tired of getting flack from dumb people who believe it is wrong to criticize a company. I do not make any money from blogging (my advertisements don’t even cover my hosting costs), so I would rather be read by just a few people who appreciate my opinion than by a large bunch of morons who hate to see their companies criticized.
I am not a professional analyst who is trying to give a balanced view of a company he covers. I am a cynic who tries to point out the negatives in stocks where everyone only sees the positives.
I think you should reconsider. Your blog provides a great service, but I never would have found it without Seeking Alpha. I just think you need to block out the criticism.
That is easy for you to say. While others may benefit from what I write, I fail to see the benefit to me. Getting so many negative comments is quite stressful and stress (from this and other sources over the last year) has severely harmed my health. I will continue to write on this blog, and when I desire comments on a post I will copy a post onto my Motley Fool CAPS blog:
I quite enjoy your blog 🙂 Don’t take the whiners personally. You are far more often right than they are, that is a given. It is hard going against the grain but worth it. The world is not all puppies and sunshine and somebody has to say it.
-a penny scam message board critic
Why not just ask them to turn off comments on your posts?
What a shame. I found your blog via SeekingAlpha and love your analysis. Keep the posts coming.
Just to be clear on a couple things:
1. I will continue blogging here, no matter what.
2. I have also received many positive or constructively critical comments on SA, particularly in response to my housing bust articles.
I have posted a reply to your bear case comments on Photo channel in seeking alpha. Do reply if and when you get some time.