Equity Awareness Group pays up for ads for new websites

One of my favorite stock promoters is Equity Awareness Group (EAG). They tend to do higher-priced pumps (above $0.50) that last for a few days and get absolutely destroyed. Their pumps almost always make for highly profitable shorts. Today while searching for new stock promoter and stock promotion advertisements I came across a couple new websites that EAG is advertising heavily:


After signing up to both SBStockPicks.com and ConsumerMarketReport.com I received a welcome email from SBStockPicks (News@sbstockpicks.com) signed “Stock Brainiac”. I took a look at the websites hosted on Stock Brainiac’s (a known EAG website) server and found that both the new websites as well as a handful of other promotion websites:



I signed up to all those promotion websites so that I won’t miss the next EAG pump: ALFSS!


Disclaimer: I have no position in any stock mentioned. I have no relationship with any parties mentioned above. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.


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