I saw for the first time today online display ads promoting Biozoom (OTCBB: BIZM). The interesting thing about this promotion is that none of the websites touting the stock disclose any compensation. They specifically state that they do not own shares or get cash compensation to write about the company. I obviously believe that to be a lie. The pump reports can be found at:
http://www.thestockreport.com/BIOZOOMreport.pdf (pdf)
http://gfiz.com/GFIthegroundfloor.pdf (pdf)
Disclosed budget: $0
Promoter: TheStockReport.com / GFIZ.com (Global Financial Insight)
Paying party: None
Shares outstanding: 114,964,138
Previous closing price: $0.485
Market capitalization: $55 million
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Global Investor Research, LLP, Copyright © Fleet Hours 8-12 New Bridge Street, London, UK EC4V6AL. All rights reserved.Global Investors Research, LLP (“GIR”), Global Financial Insighthttp://www.gir-llp.com, http://www.gfiz.com, http://www.thestockreport.com and related reports and services (collectively with GIR,the “GIR Services”) are Copyright © 2013 by Global Investor Research, LLP. All rights are reserved.While we endeavor to keep the information published in our reports up to date and correct, wemake no representations, guarantees or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the com–pleteness, accuracy, reliability, timeliness, performance, suitability or availability of the informationand analysis. We expressly exclude liability for any such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest extentpermitted by law. 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If smaller companies are able to raise capital, our theoretical price targets in aperfect world might be justified, providing the Company executes on its business model.At times our price targets may be significantly higher than the current price of a stock. This can hap–pen in theory only if the company’s assets, with assumed capital raised, could theoretically createlarge sales and cash flow volumes over time. In the practical world, these price targets may appearto be unrealistic. However, we believe the academics of our calculations support the theory of theseassumed price targets. While we do not give investment advice, the investor should consider thepossibilities of a given company being able to raise capital to execute its business model over 5 – 10years. Few micro/small cap companies are able to raise enough capital and execute their masterbudget over an extended period of time and often go bankrupt. Our price targets are academictheory only and should not be relied upon. 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[Edit 2013-6-18]: See this post on BIZM at Promotion Stock Secrets and their photos of Francisco “Fat Frank” Abellan, believed to be behind BIZM.
[Edit 2013-6-23]: Here is a recording of an ad for BIZM that aired on the Rush Limbaugh show. There have been reports of ads promoting BIZM in USA Today and BusinessWeek. Today there was a full page ad on the back page of the New York Times. People have also received hard mailers promoting the stock. Here is a scanned mailer (pdf).
Disclaimer: [Edit 2013-6-23]: I have no net position in BIZM but am short 10,000 shares in one account and long 10,000 shares in another account. I have no relationship with any parties mentioned above. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.
I sold my net long in BIZM today.
Radio ad purportedly heard on the Rush Limbaugh show: https://soundcloud.com/bodachpr/rush-limbaugh-0613-hr3-1
Disclosure: Net long BIZM, will sell soon.