Wilson Davis (market maker ID: WDCO) has acquired a reputation in penny stock land for posting large bids on big pump and dumps. See this Infitialis article on SeekingAlpha and this article on Pumpsanddumps.com. So it was certainly odd to see WDCO come out with huge size on the offer on USGT (a massive spam pump), driving the stock down with offer sizes up to 3 million shares. Are they broadening their horizons? Below is a video of the level 2 and time and sales of much of the USGT drop yesterday.
Note: None of this is to suggest that the firm approved of or ordered any trader to act in an unethical or illegal manner — all I know is that I have seen someone at WDCO posting large bids (and offers in this case).
Note — the music I was listening to at the time is recorded in the video. I made no commentary so mute the sound if you do not like the music.
Disclaimer: No positions in any stocks mentioned. I had shorted USGT but covered that short yesterday and this morning prior to writing this post. I have no relationship with any parties named above. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.