Yesterday, on Thursday, February 22nd, a couple subscribers alerted me to the fact that my blog and blogs had been infected with the iframe malware/virus. If you visited either website over the last few days or week I suggest running a full virus scan as well as spyware/malware scan (Malwarebytes and Spybot Search & Destroy are both recommended). I also recommend clearing your browser’s cache. The infection was almost certainly due to a WordPress plug-in that I had not updated (my personal computer was not infected).
I have completely wiped the infected WordPress install and have installed a fresh version that I am now working on hardening to prevent any future problems. So far I have taken most of the steps to enhance security recommended by WordPress.
Also, my old blogs, and, have been taken down permanently and all their content will redirect to this blog (the posts have been mirrored on this blog).
hehe, nice to know considering my new computer, but everything seems fine.
I do have…….a little overkill.
more power, I need more power!