Some recent snail mail pump & dumps

Here are some charts of ongoing pump & dumps (I think these have all been pumped by mailers). I am currently short 1500 shares of ALME.

update 10/4/2011 –Here is the aftermath of ALME (non-log scale):

update 10/4/2011 –Here is the aftermath of AMOK (non-log scale):

update 10/4/2011 –Here is the aftermath of COUGF (non-log scale):

update 10/4/2011 –Here is the aftermath of FCPG (non-log scale):

update 10/4/2011 –Here is the aftermath of HHWW (non-log scale):

update 10/4/2011 –Here is the aftermath of NENE (non-log scale and note that the stock has done a 1 for 3 reverse split since the original post):

update 10/4/2011 –Here is the aftermath of TNGS (non-log scale):

update 10/4/2011 –Here is the aftermath of WLOC (non-log scale – note that since the first post this had had a 4 for 1 forward split):

Disclosure: Short 1,500 shares of ALME. No positions in any other stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

0 thoughts on “Some recent snail mail pump & dumps”

  1. oh man, can u believe baronkimble? he just password-protected his site!! prolly got scared by those hometruthes telling on his messageboards lolz

  2. Hello Reaper –

    I too am short quite a few of the names on this list. On NENE I have been unable to find proof of a paid mailer campaign. I am assuming there is one because of the volume. Have you been able to dig up a paid promo on that one? TIA

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