Back in the black for the week. For those who care, I closed by account at the proprietary trading firm BroadStreet Trading.
Daily profit: $688.88
Weekly profit: $590.83
Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.
Why did you close at Broadstreet?
Why did you close your broad street acct? I was thinking of getting them. What broker is best for someone with a 10k or less acct who can’t day trade and wants to day trade and short? How did you build your funds?
When I opened the account at BroadStreet back in August I had no problem shorting almost anything I wanted, even super-cheap stocks. They no longer allow shorting stocks over $1 and they didn’t have HHWW or FCPG to short the last couple days. It was no longer worth it for me to keep an account there considering the counter party risk (see my review here for details: ).
For less than $10k there are no good options.
Eh the only thing I used BST to short was non-marginable OTC crap so that idea wouldn’t have worked for me.
Could be an idea to have just left a little money at BST and traded size using leverage. That way you can minimize your counter party risk while still being able to build up reasonably sized positions. Although I have found that Interactive Brokers have been on fire lately, in terms of their borrows.
I only used Broadstreet to short pure pump & dumps that were unmarginable, so this would not have worked.