Only one tiny trade.
SLD 5,000 LBSV false Stock 0.6200 USD SMART 09:40:13 15.50 null
BOT 2,500 LBSV false Stock 0.5911 USD SMART 09:45:01 7.39 null
BOT 2,500 LBSV false Stock 0.5751 USD SMART 09:47:01 7.19 null
Daily profit: $154.42
Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.
Great job speaking at the expo, well done.
Thanks Aaron.
Reaper, why did you decide to short LBSV at .62? Pretty good timing. Wasn’t that the high for the day? Or had it declined before you shorted?
It was a Beacon and HotOTC pump. Beacon pumps tend to top out 10 to 20 minutes after the open, HotOTC pumps tend to gap and crap. At that point it was a good risk/reward. Of course I didn’t know it wouldn’t go up anymore and I didn’t get my full size.