Daily profit: $117.79
09:30:13 SPPH B 0.3101 5000 NITE
09:30:15 SPPH B 0.3101 2000 NITE
09:31:40 SPPH S 0.3499 100 NITE
09:31:44 SPPH S 0.35 1500 NITE
09:31:46 SPPH S 0.35 1200 NITE
09:31:48 SPPH S 0.35 700 NITE
09:32:40 SPPH S 0.32 1800 SBSH
09:32:41 SPPH S 0.3 1700 SBSH
Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.
Mr Goode, I would like to bounce some ideas off of you for GM. Not a penny stock, I know, but I am wondering your opinions on it. Mainly how the government has a large stake in it and would like to sell at a profit into the public buying, but also would not want the perception of GM’s worth to fall. This is a clear conflict of interest and I was hoping for insight into the IPO days.
I am considering how feasible an options strangle would be if derivatives are available, but I would like to have more insight into a more bullish or bearish attitude.
I see a lot of investor interest, but again the government being a large holder is selling. Opinions?
ELW – The problem with options is that new IPOs usually take some time before options become available. Furthermore, I cannot give an opinion on GM because I haven’t read their prospectus. I won’t read it because it is not worth my time to do so.