Fat fingers never felt so good … I meant to buy 1k AUMN on Timothy Sykes’ PennyStocking Silver IM alert but bought 5k. Because my position was so large I sold quickly, realizing some nice dollar gains. VIDA, the tale is old and often told: I should have held longer.
All trades today:
BOT 7,500 VIDA false Stock 0.0762 USD SMART 09:40:27 2.86 null
BOT 7,500 VIDA false Stock 0.0761 USD SMART 09:44:11 2.85 null
SLD 2,000 BULM false Stock 1.4500 USD SMART 09:56:02 10.00 null
BOT 2,000 BULM false Stock 1.4600 USD ARCAEDGE 09:56:14 10.00 null
+ BOT 5,000 AUMN false Stock 23.420 USD SMART 15:40:46 25.00 null
SLD 5,000 AUMN false Stock 23.85 USD SMART 15:41:08 25.00 null
SLD 500 AUMN false Stock 23.98 USD BATS 15:43:34 2.50 null
BOT 500 AUMN false Stock 24.30 USD AMEX 15:59:36 2.50 null
13:38:21 GETA B 0.1165 5000 SEAB
13:42:50 GETA S 0.1199 5000 SEAB
Daily profit: $2,009.31
Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.
Nice job, dont forget to add this trade into http://profit.ly !!