Trade recap for September 29th

For those who don’t yet know, I will be speaking on the second day at Tim Sykes’ Pennystocking Seminar (which runs from November 14th to 15th in Las Vegas). I really think the seminar is a good deal compared with Sykes’ other offerings. For the $1500 price you get two full days of instruction (including notable guest speakers such as Nate Michaud aka InvestorsLive, Gordon Eckler aka Geckler, and John Welsh aka johnwelshtrades) plus your choice of any one of Tim Sykes’ DVDs that you will receive before the seminar. If you cannot attend in person, you can watch it streamed online (if this interests you, contact me, and I can help you save money on it!). Sign up today!

I should have gotten short RMDT again … nice example of how even HotOTC’s ‘successful’ pumps die within a couple days.


Daily profit: $1320.08

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well. I am an affiliate of Tim Sykes and I receive a commission for anyone who signs up to the seminar after clicking my link. I paid to attend the last two penny stocking seminars in Las Vegas but am not paying (nor being paid by Sykes) this year.

0 thoughts on “Trade recap for September 29th”

  1. You should also mention for Reaper readers & email subscribers…hint hint Reaper (send an email!), use special coupon codes WEB2010 to save $700!!!! and attend via live video and VEGAS2010 to save $500 to attend in person

  2. Hey Michael&Tim,

    I want to thank both of you for your work. I have learned a lot. You guys helped me to understand the US Pennystock market, which is completely different compared to the German market.
    I would love to come to Las Vegas, too. Unfortunately I don’t have the time because of my last semester of studies and other stuff. Next time, I’ll be in touch with you.

    Keep it up!

    Best Regards from Nürnberg (Germany)

  3. @Schill_Out,

    Do you have any recommendations for English-language sites that do a good job talking about German penny stocks? If so that would be great, thanks!

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