SSOL trade while on vacation

Arriving last Wednesday in Bordeaux city at the Best Western Gare St. Jean (with free Wi-Fi!) I checked my email and the stock market before I was to head out to dinner at one of the more overrated restaurants my wife and I visited on our two week European vacation (La Tupina). I noticed SSOL was around 9 cents and was on the fourth day of the pump. Furthermore, IB had shares to short. So I took a 60k short position and headed off to dinner. I held the position all throughout the next day (the first true red day). Then before leaving on the TGV Friday I put in two 30k orders to cover my position: .511 and .456. My second order filled completely at the low of the day while we traveled. Not bad for a random vacation trade. Thank you TitanStocks!

See my trade details on

Profit during vacation: $2,503.26 (46% profit margin on that trade!)

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

0 thoughts on “SSOL trade while on vacation”

  1. Nice job!
    Welcome back, hope you enjoyed plentifully your stay in France, and that Relaax didn’t scare you too much in the air.. 🙂

  2. No, that was the highlight of the trip! Man le bassin d’Arcachon is beautiful. And oh les huitres! Let me know next time you’re going to be up in my neck of the woods!

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