Nothing interesting … AVNA was nice but I got only a tiny fill … it closed at $0.0798 after opening at $0.125.
SLD 2,307 AVNA false Stock 0.1200 USD SMART 09:31:52 1.38 null
BOT 2,307 AVNA false Stock 0.0900 USD SMART 09:36:04 1.04 null
+ SLD 2,300 NEXMD false Stock 3.517 USD SMART 10:35:36 11.50 null
+ BOT 2,300 NEXMD false Stock 3.394 USD ISLAND 10:36:58 11.50 null
Daily profit: $327.79
Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.