Trade recap for June 28th

MINE was a poor trade on my part; I should have gotten in bigger, earlier, and stayed in longer; or at least done one of those three.

Daily profit: $276.28

+    BOT    50,000    MINE    false    Stock    .032    USD    ARCAEDGE    08:34:34        12.59        null
SLD    100    HUSA    false    Stock    12.00    USD    ISLAND    08:57:11        1.00        null
BOT    100    HUSA    false    Stock    11.50    USD    ARCA    09:00:00        1.00        null
SLD    50,000    MINE    false    Stock    0.0365    USD    SMART    09:31:07        9.12        null

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

0 thoughts on “Trade recap for June 28th”

      1. oops i was trying to correct you I thought you bought it at 32 cents not 3 cents , never mind i was wrong

  1. Is down?
    Has tim done it out for good!

    Check the site, it won’t load!

    1. I heard from a credible source that the person behind PSC was attacked and eaten by werewolves. I am awaiting details of the vicious and hopefully painful attack by the supernatural creatures.

  2. Very good! Please let us know the end result of this vicious attack. Seems like they just changed domain, running under

    Looks all the same, same type of posts, same type of stocks. Could be wrong but it eerily resembles the old site.

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