I will have a video and more details tomorrow afternoon. Due to moving (all moved, time for unpacking and cleaning) I am not able to do a video tonight.
09:33:42 BSOM S 0.0791 10000 NITE
09:31:48 BSOM B 0.074 10000 VERT
BOT 16,000 HELI false Stock 0.0900 USD ARCAEDGE 08:03:12 11.52 null IB
BOT 10,000 HELI false Stock 0.1081 USD ARCAEDGE 09:38:39 5.40 null IB
+ BOT 3,000 AMEL false Stock .860 USD SMART 09:38:42 12.90 null IB
BOT 10,000 HELI false Stock 0.1086 USD SMART 10:03:14 5.43 null IB
BOT 2,500 AMEL false Stock 0.8601 USD SMART 12:00:37 10.75 null IB
Daily profit: $1,565.79
Disclosure: Short 4,500 shares of AMEL and 80,000 shares of HELI. No positions in any other stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.