My one big regret from today was missing CLWRR short. Evidently it is a warrant that was expiring today (for CLWR). It dropped 89% today. There were at least 95,000 shares to short of this all day at IB and 300,000 before 2pm EST.
+ SLD 10,000 AMCG false Stock .110 USD SMART 11:26:21 5.50 null
+ SLD 2,500 AMEL false Stock .836 USD SMART 14:22:18 10.45 null
+ BOT 10,000 AMCG false Stock .107 USD SMART 15:24:44 5.82 null
My trades at Speedtrader are not shown (I am having trouble logging in right now).
Daily profit: ($47.21)
Disclosure: Short 2500 AMEL. No positions in any other stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.