My only trade today was shorting the HotOTC pump MCTH. HotOTC pumps usually gap and crap. Unfortunately I missed the open by a few minutes do to a long dentist appointment so I missed out on filling my shorts at .42. Ouch. Even worse, the dentist told me I need a crown.
+ SLD 832 MCTH false Stock .419 USD SMART 09:47:52 1.74 null
+ SLD 9,600 MCTH false Stock .400 USD SMART 09:47:57 19.20 null
+ SLD 1,400 MCTH false Stock .390 USD ARCAEDGE 09:50:07 2.73 null
+ SLD 10,000 MCTH false Stock .399 USD SMART 09:58:47 19.94 null
+ SLD 5,000 MCTH false Stock .400 USD SMART 10:04:34 10.00 null
+ BOT 5,200 MCTH false Stock .380 USD SMART 10:51:05 9.89 null
+ BOT 18,600 MCTH false Stock .390 USD SMART 11:16:13 36.27 null
BOT 1,850 MCTH false Stock 0.3701 USD ARCAEDGE 14:35:23 3.42 null
Daily profit: $0.00 (Because I still have 1,182 shares short I will count the whole trade as ending tomorrow to simplify my accounting.)
Disclosure: Short 1182 MCTH. No positions in any other stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.