Trade recap for May 27th

Uggh. Here is the big intraday chart of MINED.

+    BOT    50,000    MINED    false    Stock    .106    USD    ARCAEDGE    08:55:10        42.37
+    BOT    10,000    MINED    false    Stock    .106    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:05:28        8.45
+    SLD    60,000    MINED    false    Stock    .092    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:31:36        27.45
+    BOT    50,000    MINED    false    Stock    .101    USD    ARCAEDGE    11:06:33        38.96
SLD    50,000    MINED    false    Stock    0.0990    USD    SMART    11:11:09        24.75
09:33:34    MINED    S    0.0996    25000    NITE
09:33:34    MINED    S    0.0996    25000    NITE
11:11:37    MINED    B    0.099    50000    NITE
11:17:26    MINED    S    0.0984    2200    NITE
11:26:56    MINED    S    0.0961    25000    NITE
11:27:13    MINED    S    0.0961    5000    NITE
11:27:13    MINED    S    0.0961    17800    NITE

Daily profit: ($1,378.41)

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

0 thoughts on “Trade recap for May 27th”

  1. I don’t know how you trade those kinds of stocks but you generally are very good at it. Can you see things from the Level II or are you just trading what you see on the chart?

    1. It mostly comes from understanding how the pumps work. Level 2 and the chart can help only a little with the specific timing of exits.

  2. OK I guess I’m never going to be good at those kind. How did you learn how the pumps work? If you aren’t using the chart or the L2 what are you going by?

    1. Like I said, I study the pumpers and understand how the pumps work. For example, I know 90%+ of HotOTC pumps gap and crap so I never play them long and I always try to short.

      InvestorsLive from the InvestorsUnderground stock chat has helped me learn, although I have been shorting pump & dumps since 2007 so I had a better understanding than most before trying to make money going long.

      Speaking of Level 2, check out my next post on why it may not be helpful with pumps:

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