HOD list: How to find stocks breaking out to new highs

Are you curious how I find stocks making new highs so quickly. Watch the video as I show and explain the “HOD list” or “high of the day” list.

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

7 thoughts on “HOD list: How to find stocks breaking out to new highs”

  1. Hi Michael,

    Hope you are doing fine.
    May I know if this content is still in your blog or moved to premium Challenge content.


  2. whAt is your strategy on a % gainer stock?
    If there a resistance . At How many breaking that resistance to new high/low before you making that trade?

    1. I can’t describe it in just a few sentences but one of the best times to buy a big runner is in the afternoon as it starts to move up off intraday support. I like double-bottoms in the morning to buy too.

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