A green start to the month. Who cares if I didn’t bank coin today … I like to start off in the green and that is what I did.
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Trades today:
15:16:03 INKND B 0.31 5500 NITE
15:58:05 INKND B 0.34 7000 NITE
15:15:37 INKND B 0.31 1500 NITE
13:08:15 INKND S 0.28 4850 NITE
13:06:04 INKND S 0.278 600 NITE
09:54:15 INKND S 0.3 5000 NITE
13:03:39 INKND S 0.27 4550 NITE
09:53:17 INKND S 0.3098 5000 NITE
13:00:23 INKND B 0.2801 10000 PFSI
11:14:01 INKND B 0.31 5000 NITE
09:31:03 EVSI S 0.33 5000 NITE
10:06:12 ACLH S 0.045 10000 NITE
10:03:53 ACLH B 0.043 10000 NITE
11:44:15 INKND S 0.319 5000 NITE
09:40:41 INKND B 0.285 10000 NITE
+ BOT 5,000 APPY false Stock 3.870 USD SMART 09:35:01 25.00
+ SLD 5,000 APPY false Stock 3.903 USD ISLAND 09:36:32 25.50
SLD 2,000 CHGY false Stock 2.5700 USD SMART 12:00:24 10.00
BOT 2,000 CHGY false Stock 2.4600 USD SMART 12:05:33 10.00
Daily profit: $397.30
Disclosure: Long 14,000 INKND & short 5,000 AMEL. No positions in any other stocks mentioned. Scalpicin (TM) has not approved this blog post and is not an advertiser. The above image and accompanying “motto” is a joke and a bad one at that (although the link is my affiliate link to Amazon.com). This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.
Hey Reaper
you asked for feedback on your radio show. I listend to it twice today while I was working.
Fwiw I liked it. I liked the subject matter and as always I appreciate your persepctive, but you know that already.
So that may not mean much coming from me.
That being said I have some thoughts/suggestions if you care to know
1- callers- I wouldn’t expect many callers at least not right away. calling people on the phone is a little foreboding. The beauty of Tim’s live stock is the IM aspect which lowers people’s inhibitions which encourages participation. Plus it sounded like you had an area code phone # so it would have been a long distance call for many. Dunno if Skype or Ventrilo users can get around that or not.
anyway there’s inhibition barrier there.
2- format- Dunno if Radio is your ideal format for your speaking style. You are pretty cerberal and even handed as well with a fairly subdued voice, Positive attributes to be sure but perhaps ones not suited to radio. Popular radio shows tend to favor to simpilifiers and exaggerated tones. Academic nuance isn’t something you encounter much anywhere outside of NPR in radio land.
There’s a reason why buffoons like Rush do so well in the format.
that being said I think there is two ways you could use your traits to your advanatge
a) try to bring on guests so that you are the straight man of the show. the contrast in voices alone should liven the show (plus the change in one’s voice when in a conversation and it helps keeps you yourself engerized), Andrew Horowitz does a nice job with his podcast doing that.
B) Go back to some sort of video format where you can have visual aides. I could follow your whole talk but then again I’m the kind of guy who goes to guest speakers at local colleges all the time. I could see a lot of people tuning out just due the complexity of your subject matter and how long it takes to explain some concepts.
3) scheduling- I’m sure this could be an issue for many Lots of daytrader services seem to have things going sunday night. e.g. I think IU has their seminars then. Thus your show was in a competitve timeslot if you will…
4) show structure- If you do future shows it would probably help if you had a definitive show structure and maybe even little bits (with more sound effects to help keep listeners engaged). Helps break it up a bit. Like giving a essay paragraphs.
5) length- too long. I’d start with thirty minutes , keep it short and sweet and if it becomes a hit or something you enjoy expand it. Always leave them wanting more and yourself unsatiated as well, you’ll never know when you might have a dry week for topics and unaddressed topics could come in handy later on.
anyway I liked it a lot and I’m sure your show has potential. i guess the real question is how much energy you’d want to devote to it.
Hope that helps.
Thanks for the feedback Tasty!