We nailed BGBR in chat today:
[Apr 19, 2010 8:03:32 AM EDT] Reaper BGBR gapping up on pump already
[Apr 19, 2010 8:04:24 AM EDT] Reaper 1.33 Arca bid BGBR
[Apr 19, 2010 8:05:18 AM EDT] Reaper lol 1.39 bid BGBR
[Apr 19, 2010 8:40:30 AM EDT] Reaper lol BGBR 1.44 23%
[Apr 19, 2010 8:46:48 AM EDT] Anthony BGBM is the new DoublingStock Pump for today
[Apr 19, 2010 8:47:00 AM EDT] Anthony *BGBR
[Apr 19, 2010 8:47:13 AM EDT] Reaper u get an email from them Anthony that said that?
[Apr 19, 2010 8:47:17 AM EDT] Anthony yep
[Apr 19, 2010 8:47:43 AM EDT] Anthony http://daytradingrobot.com/pick-of-2010/
[Apr 19, 2010 9:07:36 AM EDT] Reaper I just bought 10k BGBR @ 1.24 … buying this here is way risky but potential nice reward
[Apr 19, 2010 9:14:05 AM EDT] Reaper for BGBR: “daytradingrobot.com has been contracted to receive fifty seven thousand five hundred USD by a third party (mennen creative limited) for six week coverage of BGBR.”
[Apr 19, 2010 9:14:32 AM EDT] Reaper “aytradingrobot.com and its affiliates or officers have purchased and sold and will purchase and sell shares of common stock of BGBR, in the open market at any time without notice.”
[Apr 19, 2010 9:15:34 AM EDT] Reaper wow they really are not letting BGBR gap
[Apr 19, 2010 9:24:28 AM EDT] Reaper got 5k more BGBR @ 1.21
[Apr 19, 2010 9:28:05 AM EDT] Reaper if u play BGBR long, please be careful and play small
[Apr 19, 2010 9:28:10 AM EDT] Reaper pumps are risky!
[Apr 19, 2010 9:28:25 AM EDT] Reaper I can afford to go big w/ BGBR b/c I have huge profits from last week
[Apr 19, 2010 9:34:38 AM EDT] Reaper BGBR nice
[Apr 19, 2010 9:37:15 AM EDT] Reaper yay BGBR 1.26 hod
[Apr 19, 2010 9:37:31 AM EDT] Reaper don’t forget to take some profits along the way on BGBR
[Apr 19, 2010 9:39:59 AM EDT] Reaper sold 5k BGBR @ 1.295
[Apr 19, 2010 9:40:59 AM EDT] Reaper BGBR already more than made up for my annoying BGEM loss
[Apr 19, 2010 9:44:43 AM EDT] Reaper sold 5k more BGBR … will probably hold onto my last 5k
[Apr 19, 2010 9:45:38 AM EDT] Reaper BGBR nhods 1.31
Trade recap:
Trades today:
09:04:56 BGBR B 1.26 5000 ARCA
09:05:42 BGBR B 1.22 5000 ARCA
09:23:43 BGBR B 1.21 500 ARCA
09:23:57 BGBR B 1.21 4500 ARCA
09:33:02 BGEM S 0.23 5000 ETMM
09:33:02 BGEM S 0.23 9225 ETMM
09:35:57 BGEM S 0.205 4992 NITE
09:39:42 BGEM S 0.191 783 ARCA
09:39:50 BGBR S 1.295 5000 NITE
09:43:00 BGBR S 1.295 500 NITE
09:43:30 BGBR S 1.295 2200 NITE
09:44:27 BGBR S 1.295 2300 NITE
10:45:47 BGBR S 1.315 1000 NITE
10:45:47 BGBR S 1.315 500 NITE
10:46:55 BGBR S 1.315 75 NITE
10:50:23 BGBR S 1.315 3000 NITE
10:51:26 BGBR S 1.32 425 NITE
11:51:27 MLMN B 0.191 10000 NITE
12:02:46 BGBR B 1.26 2500 NITE
12:02:53 BGBR B 1.26 2500 NITE
14:44:29 ENCO SS 4.8701 1000 SMART
14:46:21 ENCO B 4.79 200 SMART
14:46:55 ENCO B 4.79 800 SMART
15:05:54 MLMN S 0.243 1500 NITE
15:07:22 MLMN B 0.233 6500 NITE
15:08:47 MLMN B 0.226 8049 NITE
15:29:28 MLMN B 0.227 1951 NITE
15:33:10 MLMN B 0.223 5000 NITE
15:55:32 MLMN S 0.245 5000 NITE
BOT 5,000 BGEM false Stock 0.2300 USD ARCAEDGE 08:10:51 9.20
BOT 5,000 BGEM false Stock 0.2200 USD ARCAEDGE 08:20:15 8.80
BOT 5,000 BGEM false Stock 0.2200 USD ARCAEDGE 08:42:21 8.80
+ SLD 15,000 BGEM false Stock .230 USD ARCAEDGE 09:31:15 22.77
SLD 10,000 BLUG false Stock 0.3210 USD ARCAEDGE 09:49:13 16.05
+ BOT 6,400 BLUG false Stock .321 USD ARCAEDGE 09:50:24 10.27
Daily profit: $909.88
Disclosure: Short 73,600 BLUG and long 25,000 MLMN and long 5000 BGBR. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.