Today was better than yesterday.
Daily profit: $395.05
Trades at IB:
+ SLD 880 SINO false Stock 4.357 USD DRCTEDGE 09:55:09 4.90
+ BOT 880 SINO false Stock 4.330 USD ISLAND 10:02:38 4.40
BOT 300 XFN false Stock 1.7000 USD ARCA 12:40:17 1.50
+ SLD 300 XFN false Stock 1.690 USD DRCTEDGE 12:59:49 1.50
Disclosure: Long 12,000 SUWN that I bought after filming the video. No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.
Meow Mix:
Why did I click on your comment………….Now I’m going to have bad luck……….Thanks Reaper!!!
You just scared the heck out of my cats…
I really *DO* have too much time on my hands…
for the TOS platform you can hide ur account number and liquidity by clickin on the liquidities Blue dot next to it, and checking to privacy. up top you can click a Blue arrow and hide that whole left side in all too.
Ooh, thanks!