Due to popular demand I went back and did a video trade recap.
Daily profit: ($2196.49)
Disclosure: No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.
I had a crappy day too. Post to come later.
Why no video ? Sorry you had a bad day, but I quite enjoy your videos.
No video because I had a bad day and I’m annoyed that I didn’t earn much in affiliate commissions in January. Plus I’ve dealt with other things that have annoyed me today. Don’t worry, video trade recaps will return.
sorry for your 2k loss…how much APKT did you buy ?
Thanks Jamal. But I do have to say unless you are coming on to me I do think the wink smiley is inappropriate. 😉
Yeah…Much Respect for putting up a recap even on a bad day … I Like Your Blog 🙂
Not to worry, you will get ’em. As I said earlier in chat nobody can predict individual results, the hard right edge of the chart means you can make a reasonable call and STILL lose. There will be other days, not every day is a 17K ALAN affair…
Please explain what a 17K ALAN affair is …
If I may ask what trading apps are you using in this video recap?
One thing- I REALLY appreciate you doing this video today. Because as an aspiring full time day trader, (this may sound mean, but it is not ment to at all!) It is so nice to see others have down days, and make mistakes too. So, again your record backs your trades, you make money. But it is nice to know successful daytraders are human too! Thanks